Bruno Nicholas - Founder

At the time this website goes live, I'm 19. Starting a business this young has been immensely challenging, and it's taken over a year to get this far, with endless mistakes, struggles, and pain along the way. 

It shouldn't take that long. It shouldn't take months of figuring out how to put together a business plan, trying to attract money from investors, and even more, months to find the perfect team.

I want to simplify the journey to make starting a business as easy as possible. Eliminating all of the time, stress, and pain from the process. I'm building Konverge to be everything I would have needed to avoid all of this & create a successful business in a fraction of the time. 

And finally, I want to create a community of people like me, who aren't content with the 'normal' path, and have the passion, drive, and ambition to go out & succeed in business and life. Join the community of Changemakers today.

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